Cryptanthus Otto & A.Dietr.

, Allg. Gartenzeitung (Otto & Dietrich) 4: 297 (1836), nom. cons. BHL
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Allgemeine Gartenzeitung
4: 297
Family as entered in IPNI

Original Data

Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. Pl. iii. 661 MADVIGIA, Liebm. in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. IV.ii. (1854) 373. PHOLIDOPHYLLUM, Vis. Sem. Hort. Patav. (1847) 4. {corrected whenediting for database}

Nomenclatural Notes

Status: nom. cons.


Hybrid Parent of
× Biltanthus Roehrs, Exotics 12 (1947).
Hybrid Parent of
× Cryptananas D.A.Beadle, Prelim. Listing Cultivar Grex Names Bromel. 36 (1991). (1991).
Hybrid Parent of
× Cryptmea E.L.Sm., J. Bromeliad Soc. 33(2): 72 (1983).
Hybrid Parent of
× Forzzanthus Lawn ex M.H.J.van der Meer, Cact. Phantast. 2019(7)-2: 2 (2019).
Hybrid Parent of
× Rokautanthus Lawn ex M.H.J.van der Meer, Cact. Phantast. 2019(7)-2: 4 (2019).
Hybrid Parent of
× Sincortanthus Lawn ex M.H.J.van der Meer, Cact. Phantast. 2019(7)-2: 4 (2019).