Kanehira, Ryôzô (1882-1948)

Standard Form
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
Alternative Abbreviations
Kaneh. From TL2
Kaneh. From Meikle
Area of Interest
Spermatophytes, Pteridophytes
Information Source
From R.E.G.Pichi Sermolli 1 Mar 1991.
Example of Name Published
Buxus intermedia Kaneh. in Formosan Trees, ed. rev. 359. 1936.
Note: 'While the character 金 can be pronounced and spelled either as ‘kana’ or ‘kane’ in Japanese, 金平 himself spelled his last name as Kanehira (e.g., Kanehira, 1917, 1936), not Kanahira' (Chung & Hsieh in Taiwania 68(3): 384. 2023).
Japan, Peru, Papua New Guinea, Philippines