Koyama, Tetsuo Michael (1933-2024)
- Standard Form
- T.Koyama
- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- urn:lsid:ipni.org:authors:5003-1
- Alternative Abbreviations
- T.Koyama From Meikle
- Alternative Names
- Koyama, Tetsuo
- Area of Interest
- Spermatophytes, Pteridophytes
- Information Source
- R.W. Kiger, 26 April 1991; Death year from: Kazumi Fujikawa (Makino Botanical Garden) & David E. Boufford (GH)
- Example of Name Published
- Carex pisanensis T.Koyama, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 15(4): 112 (1954)
- Countries
- Japan