- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:243072-2
- Publication
- Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Washington, DC
- Collation
- 6(2): 4 (-5; t. 1)
- Date of Publication
- Apr 1853
- Family as entered in IPNI
- Portulacaceae
Type Information
- Collector Team
- J.C.Fremont s.n.
- Type Herbaria
- null NY?
- Distribution Of Types
- Forks of Nozah River in the foothills of Sierra Nevada of N California, California (Southwestern U.S.A., Northern America)
- Basionym of
- Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 13(8): 144 (1886).
- Nomenclatural link
- Cistanthe umbellata (Torr.) Hershk., Phytologia 68(4): 268 (1990).
- Nomenclatural link
- Calyptridium umbellatum (Torr.) Greene
- Same citation as
- Spraguea umbellata Torr., in Smithson. Contrib. vi. (1854) 4.