- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:321172-2
- Publication
- Brittonia; a Series of Botanical Papers. New York, NY
- Collation
- 53(1): 75 (-77; fig. 1)
- Date of Publication
- 15 May 2001
- Family as entered in IPNI
- Ulmaceae
Type Information
- Collector Team
- C.C.Berg,G.P.Lewis 3739
- Type Herbaria
- holotype LOJA
isotype AAU
isotype BG
isotype K
isotype MO
isotype NY
isotype QCA
isotype QCNE - Distribution Of Types
- Rd. Catamayo-San Pedro de la Bendita, track to hosteria Bella Vista, Km 3, secondary track to right, Km 3.5, 1500 m, Loja (Ecuador, Western South America, Southern America)
[Gandhi 31 May 2001]
- Same citation as
- Celtis loxensis C.C.Berg, Brittonia 53(1): 75 (2001) (2001).