Unona [infragen.unranked] Cananga Dunal
, Monogr. Anonac. 96 (1817).- IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
- Publication
- Monographie de la Famille des Anonacées. Paris, London, Strasbourg, Montpellier
- Collation
- 96
- Date of Publication
- Aug-Oct 1817
- Family as entered in IPNI
- Annonaceae
Type Information
- Type Name
- Unona odorata (Lam.) Dunal (Uvaria odorata Lam.)
ate of publication: In his treatment of the genus Unona, Poiret [in Lamarck, Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique, Supplement 5: 779 (5 Nov 1817)] mentioned ‘Dans une excellente monographie des Anonacées, récemment publiée par M. Dunal, on trouve les espèces suivantes …’ It is evident from Poiret’s remark that Dunal’s publication was sometime in Aug-Oct 1817 (vide John Wiersema; US
- Basionym of
- Cananga (Dunal) Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. (Carey & Wallich ed.) (1820).
- Basionym of
- Cananga (Dunal) Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. [Hooker f. & Thomson] 129 (1855), nom. cons.
- Basionym of
- Cananga (Dunal) Hook.f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. [Hooker f. & Thomson] 129 (1855), nom. cons.
- Isonym
- Unona [infragen.unranked] Cananga DC., Syst. Nat. [Candolle] 1: 485 (1817), isonym.
- Replaced synonym of
- Unona sect. Canangium Baill., Hist. Pl. (Baillon) 1: 213 (1868).