A General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants: comprising complete descriptions of the different orders; together with the characters of the genera and species, and an enumeration of the cultivated varieties ... the scientific names accentuated, their etymologies explained, and the classes and orders illustrated by engravings, and preceded by introductions to the Linnaean and natural systems, and a glossary of the terms used ... London

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Gen. Hist.
IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
1831-1838. vol. 1: early Aug 1831
vol. 2: Oct 1832
vol. 3: 8-15 Nov 1834
¹vol. 4(1): 1837
vol. 4(2): 8 Mar-8 Apr 1838
Often cited as A General System of Gardening and Botany, from the¹original title. Volume 4 has 908 pages, and the page break between vol. 4(1) and 4(2) is not known. Sprague (Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1925: 312. 1925) mentioned: Vol. iv. (1837). Reviewed in Loud. Gard. Mag., Aug. 1838, xiv. 380. The original title-page is dated 1837, while the one issued along with the publisher's Advertisement (which is dated February, 1838) bears the date 1838. As the volume was apparently published in parts (vide Loud. Gard. Mag., April 1835, xi. 194), it is probable that the greater portion of it appeared in 1837, and perhaps only the last part in the beginning of 1838.
Don, George
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