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IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID)
30 May 1949
The following information is taken from P.V.Heath in Taxon 41: 546. 1992: The German booklet 'Phyllokakteen' was published in 1951. The title page of the American version is as follows: 'Phyllocactus / By Curt Knebel / Compiled by Werner Engelhardt / Edited by Gertrude W. Beahm'. No date, place, or publisher are indicated, but these omitted particulars were supplied in an unsigned publisher's announcement presumably contributed by Haselton [Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles)21: 78. 1949]: 'Published by Abbey Garden Press, Box 101. Pasadena, California, and ready for mailing on May 30'. Clearly, the English translation is the true first edition, with 30th May 1949 as its date of effective publication. Horobin [Epiphytes 10: 27. 1986] gave the date as 1980, but this must refer to a reprint. A further reprint, published in 1988, was reviewed by Supplie [Epiphytes14: 23. 1990].
Curt Knebel